12 Apr 2017

Black origami dress

This unusual shift dress or wedding dress is tailored with the technique of transformation pattern by Shingo Sato. I am proud because I was invited to take part in his first online course that I completed from 2012 to 2013. That was a big turning point in my operating mode, because the master Shingo opened a completely new world, to me. 
We studied about 40 different techniques, which gave us the tools to tackle designs which would be unthinkable, or at the very least extremely difficult to make using traditional pattern making techniques. Each week we were sent a new video, and set a task with a deadline.This made us all strive to do our very best work, and in this striving we surprised ourselves with the incredible designs everyone came up with. The standard was really very high.At the end of the day, the most important thing was the knowledge and new skills we had learned by the end of it.

 Visit  https://www.etsy.com/listing/91969733/origami-dress-unusual-shift-dress-art-to?ref=listing-shop-header-0

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