Heklane dekoracije u domu
Ništa nije tako dobro kao ručno rađeni komadi koji će vaš dom učiniti
udobnim i prijatnim. Heklanje je savršeno za ovo i može se uklopiti u
doslovno ...
NEW CLASS! Doodle & Let Go
Hello, creative friends! I am excited to announce my new class Doodle & Let
Doodle & Let Go- A 30-Day Intuitive Art Journey
Blagdanska dekoracija doma
Ideje i inspiracije za blagdansko ukršavanje doma su svuda oko nas. Boje,
lampice, kuglice, ukrašene jelke, girlande, diy - uradi sam projekti od
Celebrity-Designed Spatulas Benefit Hungry Kids.
This original post is from if it's hip, it's here
Upscale kitchen and housewares brand Williams-Sonoma has rounded up a few
celebrity friends and asked t...
Grandma Pat and Trixie
Here is my latest shoot for Advanced Pets featuring the always gorgeous
Grandma Pat and Trixie. By the way I just started selling prints and totes
on Soc...
Where is Equality in Rural America?
How cum Chashews Clay the Boxer didnt fight for equality of American women
in America, instead of bullying suburban house wives in Feel Donuthues
A Modular Anrealage Silhouette Through Blocks
Anrealage, AW20, Paris. So often a collection is developed from a point
where the initial spark is directly related to the final outcome. Like
asking a q...
Kako se šije trikotažna majica
Dobila sam par pitanja na temu šivenja trikotaže. Budući da imam vrlo malo
iskustva sa ovom vrstom tkanine (praktično sam tek počela da je
istražujem), ne...
My Fall Fave with Jennifer McMurtrey
Autumn is just around the corner, and there are so many reasons to love the
change of seasons—cooler days, a change in our wardrobe, or our favorite
sweet ...
February/March Girl Redux
Well hello there! Again!
Much like last year, I find myself in the predicament of having some 2017
Calendars left over past the New Year - and by some I...
Bila je jesen, tako mila u svojoj hladnoći. Na korak od leta, a opet tako
blizu proklete zime. Trg slobode preplavio je miris septembra, a prsti su
se gr...
Apr. 18 - Apr. 22, The Week in Patterning 18
It's been a whirlwind week around here.
First, in sewing from EvaDress Patterns news, the 1935 summer dress
continued as I completed bound buttonhole facin...
Addicted to Loom Knitting
Last year, Laarnie (my sister who lives in Japan) sent me a Martha Stewart
Loom Knitting set. I bought some yarn a few days after receiving it but I
never ...
Kurs šivenja i krojenja - novogodišnji popust
NOVOGODIŠNJI POPUST 10% za početni nivo kursa šivenja i krojenja!
Krenite na nastavu početnog nivoa kursa šivenja i krojenja u ponedeljak
22.12. u terminu ...
When I read Anca’s email at the beginning of last month about her intention
to retire in managing Handmade Europe, I asked to myself, do I have the
modern home with lilac, pink and green accents
In the 40m2 studio, full of space-saving ideas, the room layout is enhanced
by multifunctional furnishing solutions. The design solution meets the
needs of...
kOs Has Moved!
It is decided: as of August 1, 2013, all new posts will be posted only on
the new site, http://musingsofbuffyleigh.wordpress.com. That is, the new
i have decided to stop posting on this blog. i will keep you updated on my
anabundance blog. (this is what stephanie of bonkers about buttons to say: If
ANNOUNCEMENT: New UK Handmade Website
We hope you had a wonderful festive season and are enjoying the lovely,
shiny NEW YEAR! We are excited to announce the launch of our *NEW LOOK
Happy New Year! I've been MIA for quite some time, life got in the way.
I'll be starting grad school soon to get my Masters in design, so I'm sure
I'll hav...
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